JR Full Stack Developer

Hello!! I am Daniela Guzmán

About me

I am an industrial engineer and full stack web developer. I have built my own experience through the creation of personal web sites and applications. I have a master in full stack development where I acquired extensive knowledge in JS, React, Node and Mongo Db.

I always seek to improve my skills and continue to grow professionally so that I can start my professional career in the world of programming. Therefore, I am constantly creating my own projects to improve and optimize code.

My Skills



It is a project where I only worked on the FRONTEND, it is a Web App where motorcycles can be reserved from different users, the company only has a stock of 8 motorcycles per day


ReactJs css
Repository Website

Management Folio

This is a web application where residential properties are managed, the basic CRUD operations are used in this app.

Management Folio

ReactJs css Nodejs ExpressJs MongoDB


This was my graduation project, it was created together with my university team, it is a marketplace where you can buy or sell electrical appliances


ReactJs css Nodejs ExpressJs MongoDB

Get in touch

Contact me if you want us to work together.